The Future of Healthcare
With the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the Supreme Court last month, President Trump had the opportunity to make a truly historic pick for his replacement nominee. As a result, the question of healthcare and many social rights have come into play in...

Challenge Critics of Government Transparency
Criticism of government transparency has pros and cons to consider. On the pro side, critics maintain secrecy increases stalemates, the poor performance of elected officials and government indecision. On the con side, critics avoid the most obvious reason for...

Lack of Government Transparency
For the vast majority of planet Earth's human population, living under a stable, non-corrupt government's rule is something society is far too accompanied to. Right? Wrong. According to Transparency International (TI), an independent, non-profit organization that...

Why We Need a More Transparent Government
Creating a more transparent government may sound like a difficult thing to accomplish and one would be right to think so. Taking a step back to look at the federal government and discerning how to make it more transparent will seem like a daunting step. There are...

The Basics of Freedom Of Information Act
Transparency in government is absolutely essential to maintaining a government that is both fair and true to its citizens. At its basic level, government transparency involves elected officials being open, being honest, and being held accountable. The government has...
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